Authoring and NLP

Session 5.2

Thursday, September 17, 2015 - 14:30 to 16:15
LC Ceremonial hall 2
Anna Fensel



Authoring semantically rich content made easy and fun!

Engaging authors to write semantically rich content is a key success factor in various industries. Especially relevant for organizations that re-use and re-purpose content, and aim for multi-channel, dynamic and personalized publishing. We made it our mission: enable anyone to write semantically rich- and structured content. To introduce Semantic Intelligence Tooling into the authoring process is key. We do so by providing authors real-time feedback on content-quality and by pro-actively suggesting tags, links and consistent language. 

Jan Benedictus will show examples of how semantic intelligence is applied to make structured authoring easier to do. In other words: how authoring becomes efficient and fun.

Web analytics and taxonomy consulting


Semantics as a driver for improving ad conversion

MON, a subsidiary of Müller Medien has developed a framework of semantic representations comprising web services for a semantic web crawler, which can be used for auto classification and clustering the content of web sites, as well as web services for retrieving keyword clusters based on a system of facets and several thesauri for the relationships of branches. There are several implementations of the framework – from the automatic enrichment of SEO landing pages, the enhancement of search experience for white and yellow pages online and improving search facilities of web portals to tools for sales reps. The presentation will focus on one of the sales tools.

Researcher on subject Data Analysis


SMILK Plugin: Linked-Data and NLP Based Intelligence in Browsing the Web

In order to deal with marketing strategy and competitive intelligence, industries need to monitor the Web to gather and make sense of such a large amount of information. This information is scattered and it takes time for humans to analyze the different resources and to compile the gathered knowledge in an intelligent way. SMILK is a Joint laboratory between the Inria research institute and the VISEO company to study the strong coupling of algorithms and linguistic models at a semantic level, the extraction and the disambiguation of the knowledge guided by Web resources and the combination of various ways of reasoning (logical inferences, approximations and similarity, etc.).

In this context, we will present a prototype gathering results so far obtained to enrich user knowledge while browsing the Web using Natural Language Processing, Web Open Data, and Social Networks. Our presentation will focus on the demonstration of an easy to install and use browser plugin enriching the users’ experience with data gathering and intelligence making functionalities applied in real time to the visualized page.