

In The Netherlands the utilities, including electricity and gas, have been privatized. In 2009 energy production and sales companies were split off from distribution systems operators (DSO). DSO's are now owned by public organisations and their tasks (to operate networks and facilitate energy markets) are governed by law and regulations. Future networks (smart grids) will carry a wider range of functionality and will involve many partners and processes. This will require better means of information exchange than exist today.

CERISE-SG is a project that investigates the needed interoperability and standards for enabling smart grids. The goal is to create future proof and efficient information exchange between the energy sector, eGovernment and geo-world. Each of those worlds are large and complex and has developed standards for information exchange, e.g. the geo-world has ISO TC211, OGC, and INSPIRE, the energy sector has the Common Information Model (IEC61970, IEC61968, IEC62325), and national government has NORA (the Dutch Government Reference Architecture) and the system of base registrations. The result is that the three considered domains in CERISE-SG form nowadays separate semantic silos.

The partners in CERISE-SG have recognized Linked Data as promising way of tackling the challenges in achieving interoperability between energy data, governmental data and geographical data and their respective data models. Several data sets have been published as five star data, vocabularies have been developed and published and web applications that demonstrate interoperability are in development. Two use cases have been investigated: Balancing a local grid and Crisis management.

The project will end in September 2015 with a set of reports that will describe project results and recommend further courses, and a set of web applications that demonstrate potential use.


TNO Soesterberg
Kampweg 5
3769DE Soesterberg