GVK Online


GVK Online begrip vreemdeling

In this project we developed and published an interorganizational datadictionary, a glossary, via a website and based on linked data technology (RDF, SKOS). The glossary is used for the benefit of exchange of information between governmental organizations cooperating in the immigration process on behalf of the Minister of Security and Justice.

The aim of the glossary is to increasen quality of the exchanged information and create better understanding between government officials during the immigration process. Right interpretation and understanding of the exchanged information is necessary in order to lead to the right actions taken during the immigration process.

The website "GVK Online" is developed in orde to facilitate government officials and provide easier acces and use of the glossary. Users are now able to quickly search for and hyperlink to definitions of data or business vocabulary. Semantic interoperability between governmental organizations cooperating in the immigration process will increase and enhance due to linked data technology.


Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, Directoraat-Generaal Vreemdelingenzaken, Directie Regie Vreemdelingenketen, Afdeling Ketenvoorzieningen

Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie
Turfmarkt 147
2511 DC Den Haag