NXP Enterprise Data Hub


NXP graph

This image illustrates how various entities are related to form a knowledge graph

NXP has applied Linked Data technologies to create an Enterprise Data Hub by integrating data and metadata from several systems. Our aim is to provide a single, up-to-date ‘canonical’ source of information that is easy to use and that data consumers (be they human or machine) can trust. By doing this we can make sure all our publications are kept up-to-date with the minimum amount of fuss.

The data is maintained in several ways:
- Converting CSV and XML dumps to RDF on scheduled basis
- Using 'real time' ETL/ESB to map data to RDF an load to the graph store
- Client applications that allow end-users to directly edit data in the graph store

Data services are provided to both internal and external data consumers to provide unified views over the data.

NXP has leveraged commercial and open-source software as well as developing proprietary applications.

NXP Linked Data icon

NXP Semiconductors

High Tech Campus 60
5656AG Eindhoven