SAFE: Policy Aware SPARQL Query Federation over RDF Data Cubes


SAFE: Policy Aware SPARQL Query Federation over RDF Data Cubes

Query federation over Linked Data sources has gained a significant attention in the last couple of years. Several query federation engines have been proposed offering scalable and efficient query processing solutions. However, in the context of clinical data, resources are sensitive and controlled by clinical stakeholders. Therefore, in addition to optimisation techniques dealing with volume, velocity and variety of clinical data, privacy is one of the major concerns for federation engines applied in the Healthcare and Life Sciences (HCLS) domain.

We present SAFE, a query federation engine that enables policy aware access to disparate clinical resources distributed across multiple clinical sites. SAFE implements novel source selection, lightweight caching and query planning techniques along with policy-based access control mechanism for user-restricted Linked Data resources residing at multiple locations.


Yasar Khan

Insight Centre for Data Analytics
IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan
nill Galway