RDF4GeoKettle Project


RDF4GeoKettle Project

A new way to generate RDF using a known ETL, GeoKettle (based on Kettle/Pentaho).

RDF4GeoKettle is a new way to generate RDF compatible with GeoSPARQL through a set of plugins in an ETL environment.

All the currents system to generate RDF are a very basic ETL version with no tools to validate, transform or manage data from different sources. RDF4GeoKettle is a demonstration of the possibility to create a framework to read, generate and publish RDF using existing resources as GeoKettle, Map4RDF and Silk Framework. Also, the project encourage to develop components instead of systems. GeoKettle was the chosen ETL to work because of its focus on geographical data. Moreover, GeoKettle is based on Kettle/Pentaho, a very popular ETL with a big community behind, which guarantees a continuous development and support for years.

The project is structured in 4 plugins:
- FiguresRDF: This plugin is used to generate a table of information into RDF compatible with SPARQL. Supports mapping of all attributes.
- Parliament Endpoint: It is used to upload RDF into a Parliament Endpoint.
- RDF Input: This plugin reads data from SPARQL Endpoints.
- Silk Execution: Executes Silk framework using RDF generated in previous steps. Only works with Silk 2.4/2.5.

Download all plugins: https://github.com/marcelocaj/rdf4geokettle
Demostration: http://youtu.be/klXrOltwDtA


RDF4GeoKettle Project

Marcelo Cajamarca

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