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Linked Data Explorer is a search and browse tool for Linked Data with rich customization capabilities baked in. The application features an innovative two-level customization approach offering customization options to both expert and non-expert users to alter the display of the browsed data resources.
The basic building blocks of the browser are miniapplications - small widgets responsible to display arbitrary information about a resource. The simplest form of a miniapplication is a custom template that defines how to display a particular resource property. In addition, the project enables users to define custom SPARQL queries and define conditions and priorities when and in what order to present defined miniapplications.
When browsing a resource, a collection of miniapplications describing the resource is presented to the user. The user can then alter the default behavior by creating a custom view - a definition of a page layout and order of miniapplications. Furthermore, the user can specify a class of resources to apply the custom view to. For example, a single custom view can be applied to all data entities of a particular type.
Custom views are created in a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) manner - the user can rearrange the layout of miniapplications by drag and drop operations with immediate visual feedback. Thus, the user can perform this task without any expert knowledge.