Nominees and Ambassadors


Semantic enrichment of Volunteered Geographic Information using Linked Data: a use case scenario for disaster management

by Stanislav Ronzhin | Overall rating: 0

This work was done as a part of MSc thesis research.

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Histograph: geocoding places of the past

by Waag Society | Overall rating: 0

Histograph: a historical geocoder for search and standardization of place names throughout history.

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Dutch Ships and Sailors

by Victor de Boer | Overall rating: 0

The Dutch Ships and Sailors project brings together four Dutch maritime historical datasets from the 17th, 18th and 19th Century.

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Histograph: geocoding places of the past

by Waag Society | Overall rating: 0

Histograph: a historical geocoder for search and standardization of place names throughout history.

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by CERISE-SG | Overall rating: 0

In The Netherlands the utilities, including electricity and gas, have been privatized. In 2009 energy production and sales companies were split off from distribution systems operators (DSO).

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Voorbeeldpagina van de proeftuin Linked Data - havo eindexamens (K12-exam-app for students and teachers - based on Linked Open Data)

K12-exam-app for students and teachers: detailed digital (RDF) curriculum in NL as a linking pin to connect information domains

by Kennisnet en SLO | Overall rating: 0

K12-exam-app: detailed digital (RDF) curriculum in NL to connect information domains

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View of the concept Cable-stayed bridge in CB-NL

Cable-stayed bridge is a subtype of Bridge. The semantic definition formulates the discriminating property by which it is distinguished from its parent.
It also gives the supertypes in the taxonomy, from which it inherits all given discriminating properties.

CB-NL Conceptlibrary for the Built environment in the Netherlands

by Stichting BIM-loket | Overall rating: 0

The CB-NL is an initiative of the BIR (Dutch Building Information Council),

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GVK Online begrip vreemdeling

GVK Online

by Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, Directoraat-Generaal Vreemdelingenzaken, Directie Regie Vreemdelingenketen, Afdeling Ketenvoorzieningen | Overall rating: 0

In this project we developed and published an interorganizational datadictionary, a glossary, via a website and based on linked data technology (RDF, SKOS).

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LOD Laundromat architecture

LOD Laundromat architecture

LOD Laundromat

by Knowledge Representation & Reasoning group, VU University Amsterdam | Overall rating: 0

The LOD Laundromat ( is a platform that cleans, harmonizes and republishes Linked Open Data (LOD).

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by SemaGrow wordt uitgevoerd met financiering van de Europese Commissie door een consortium van Europese organisaties, waardonder Alterra, Wageningen UR | Overall rating: 0

The SemaGrow project develops a Linked Data infrastructure that allows transparent access to distributed heterogeneous and constantly updated large datasets. The developed innovations are delivered as the SemaGrow Stack, an open source software package. Through the SemaGrow Stack applications can access heterogenous, distributed triple stores using a single SPARQL endpoint, without having knowledge of the underlying schemas of the individual sources. To prove its practical value, the SemaGrow Stack is tested in data and knowledge intensive use cases from the agro-environmental domain.

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